foam:DUMMY 春季號/2013 第34期

,來自【UDN 買東西購物中心】,出版社:瑪蒂雅股份有限公司出版日期:20130801語言:英文 ISBN:23100008080裝訂:平裝。NEWS由North、East、West和South 四個英文單字的字首組合而成,亦即蘊含自東、西、南、北等四面八方匯集而來的新資訊。過去,民眾若要購物,必須東市、西市都得走一趟,「買東西」、「南北貨」一詞由此而生;「買東西」,英文就是Shopping。 因此,udn news是讓您得知東南西北而來的新資訊,「udn shopping、udn 買東西」則是為您搜羅大江南北新鮮貨的最佳平台;也代表「udn買東西」集結「新品、新鮮、新奇」的平台特色。

foam:DUMMY 春季號/2013 第34期

出版社:瑪蒂雅股份有限公司出版日期:20130801語言:英文 ISBN:23100008080裝訂:平裝。

foam:DUMMY 春季號/2013 第34期

內容簡介:Pages 291 ISBN 9789070516291Add to cart 0 item(s) in cart

The spring issue of Foam Magazine is not really a magazine. It’s a folder, a box, filled with eight little volumes that are not yet finished books but dummies. Some are very small, others rather bigger – they are proposals, prospects, possibilities. Taking the Unseen Dummy Award 2012 as a starting point, we constructed a special issue aiming to shed a light on the extraordinary creative process behind the making of a photobook. So we turned the magazine itself into a Dummy: a celebration of the photobook-to-be.Portfolios:

Linda BeumerYuji Hamada

Oliver HartungArthur Mole

Shinji OtaniMax Pinckers

Mahesh ShantaramMirte Slaats

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UDN 買東西購物中心 - foam:DUMMY 春季號/2013 第34期


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